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iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus Preorders are Up for Grabs Now


Editor in Chief
Jul 27, 2011
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In the wee hours of the morning, Apple and the major US carriers started offering preorders on the iPhone 6 and its larger cousin, the iPhone 6 Plus. The initial onslaught was not without its hiccups. Apple's site went down temporarily, and so did Sprint (because they accidentally started their preorder early).

Sprint's iPhone 6 preorder is still down (probably because they got in trouble with Apple), but the others are all online now. There is still one problem if you want to get your device directly through Apple. The preorders directly from the folks in Cupertino have already slipped to 3-4 weeks (and we even have some reports suggesting the middle of October).

AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon's preorders seem to be working fine, although some of theirs might be backordered too, and some of the sites are running slow due to the heavy web traffic. Think about that for a second... no other smart device in history (except other iPhones) has ever garnered so much excitement that it crashes multiple preorder landing pages! Incredible!

Feel free to jump into the fray at the source links below!
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Preorders sure are up for grabs! It seems like everybody grabbed at the same time, causing significant delays in placing your order. Apple seriously underestimated the demand for the iPhone 6, especially the larger 6 plus version. My delivery time is listed as the 16th to 23rd of October.
I was trying to get a 6+ 64gb through Sprint but, as indicted, the site has been down. I called and the woman claimed she was surprised about the site being down. I went into my local store and they were able to process it. The rep was great, but no exact delivery was given other than 1-2 weeks.

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It will be interesting to see what "release day" is like next Friday.

I definitely think the iPhone 6 Plus will be more popular than possibly anticipated.