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Iphone 5 won't charge


New Member
Dec 17, 2014
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My son's iphone 5 has been in a drawer for several months now. I am trying to charge it but nothing is happening. It has been on the charger for 2 hours now. It is simply not charging. Is this because it has not been charged in a while ? What do I do ?
My son's iphone 5 has been in a drawer for several months now. I am trying to charge it but nothing is happening. It has been on the charger for 2 hours now. It is simply not charging. Is this because it has not been charged in a while ? What do I do ?
If the battery has been allowed to run down before being stored for an extended period it may take a while before it shows a charge. Try leaving it plugged in overnight and see what it shows after 8-12 hours.

Also, leaving an iPhone with a dead battery sit for several months can damage the battery. If you do get it to charge you'll have to check to see how the extended storage time with a dead battery has affected it's ability to hold a charge.
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