iPhone 4 - Google Images with Safari, anyone else having troubles?

iPhone 4 - Google Images with Safari, anyone else having troubles?


New Member
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Aug 19, 2010
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Yeah so I'm not sure if it's just me, but my phone loads Google Images EXTREMELY slow on 3G AND WiFi (I'm connected to a 100mb/s wifi from my university).
Is this only happening to me or anyone else here also?
I just checked and it seems to be loading fine. 3g loaded at typical 3g speeds, and the wifi I used loaded almost instantly.
gah.. this is retarded. My phone is taking like 40 seconds on WiFi or 3G to load Google Images ><
I might have to restore my phone or something because this is outrageous.
Ferrari said:
Yeah so I'm not sure if it's just me, but my phone loads Google Images EXTREMELY slow on 3G AND WiFi (I'm connected to a 100mb/s wifi from my university).
Is this only happening to me or anyone else here also?

Loads good here too
Figured out the problem... it was AdBlocker from Cydia that was messing up my Safari ><