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iPhone 4 Gets Rave Early Reviews


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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Some early iPhone 4 reviews are in from those media bods lucky enough to get their hands on it, and PC World has a handy round-up of some of the main points so far. Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal has been testing the iPhone 4 for over a week and says that it represents a "major leap" in hardware and software over the iPhone 3GS, adding that the phone's most significant minus point is its tie-in with AT&T.

Ed Baig of USA Today is quoted by PC World as saying that "Apple makes all the right calls on iPhone 4", and he gives special mention to FaceTime video calling. Engadget's Joshua Topolsky states boldly that the iPhone 4 is "the best smartphone on the market right now", citing the "gorgeous" new hardware and "amazing" display.

Xeni Jardin of Boing Biong is of very much the same favourable opinion as his peers, and also echoes Mossberg's criticism of the continued AT&T exclusivity deal. Finally, David Progue of the New York Times also singles out FaceTime and the improved camera and video capabilities as particularly noteworthy.

So, thumbs up all round it would seem from the tech gurus. Hardly surprising but great to read all the same!

Source: PC World
Now we need our users to start doing their reviews... hint hint guys ;)

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