iOS 6 Disappoints Some Visually Impaired Users

iOS 6 Disappoints Some Visually Impaired Users


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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According to a report on AppleInsider today, iOS 6’s new App Store, iTunes Store and iBookstore have met with criticism in the visually impaired community. AppleInsider heard from its reader, J.P. Shandra, that he has problems with the new layout in the App Store, because the new layout causes problems for people using the VoiceOver feature. Also, since the update, VoiceOver is no longer able to read app ratings, whereas before, Shandra says that he was able to hear average review scores from Apple’s various iTunes stores. Shandra did, however, praise other aspects of iOS 6, which he says have enhanced accessibility even further. As AppleInsider notes, Apple usually tries to ensure that it listens and learns from its users who have disabilities, and in fact just before iOS 6 was released, last-minute tweaks were made to improve accessibility. Hopefully it will take these new criticisms on board.

Source: Visually impaired users say iOS 6 App Store redesign is a downgrade
I find the new App Store in iOS 6 a huge step backwards from the one in iOS 5. Apple really screwed up trying to make something slicker that didn't need to be.
Skull One said:
I find the new App Store in iOS 6 a huge step backwards from the one in iOS 5. Apple really screwed up trying to make something slicker that didn't need to be.

I liked the previous layout which had more apps on each page, which made it much quicker to scroll through large numbers of apps to look for one that looked interesting enough to download.
The old App Store and iTunes at lest worked
I have had nothing but problems now
First I thought it was just me but I have talked to s lot of people that are having the same problem
The App Store and iTunes does NOT work
It been all most a week and as of tonight
It still does not work
And if it does Load up the scroll side ways is just
Down right crap

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