How do I call phone numbers in the Notes section of my Contacts?

How do I call phone numbers in the Notes section of my Contacts?


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Oct 29, 2014
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Some of the Outlook Contacts that are synched with my iPhone have phone numbers that are in the Notes section rather than in the fields for phone numbers. Is it possible to call one of these phones? On the Blackberry Curve, I can select them, press the Blackberry button and then call, text, etc. Is there a way to do this on the iPhone if the phone number is not in the relevant phone number field?
Tap the telephone number and choose "Select All" to highlight the whole number:

Now select "Copy":

Open the keypad, and tap and hold above the numbers, until "Paste appears":

Tap "Paste". The telephone number will appear at the top of the screen:

All you have to do now, is tap the green button to make your call.

Btw: the + at the left of the number helps adding it to an existing contact (the one that's already in your Contacts list), to the right place, so you don't have to repeat this procedure every time you want to call her/him.

After copying the number, you can also paste it into the To: address field of the Messages app and send a message to the person.
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I cannot tap on the number. Each time I tap on it, the line above or below it becomes selected. Also, I cannot get the screen to display horizontally, which would give me greater accuracy in tapping. Is that normal?
I also cannot make the content bigger by tapping it with two fingers and then moving them apart. Is that normal?
If I tap the wrong line and then “Select All,” text before and after the phone number becomes copied in addition to the phone number.
If I tap the + to the left of the number and add it, it will become erased when I synchronize with Outlook if I have my settings to synchronize the phone according to my Outlook contacts, right?
Tap on it and hold for a short time. You'll see the magnifying glass, and then the options in my screenshot. That's when you are able to "Select All".

The + at the left allows to add the information to the existing contact, this means that the telephone number is where it belongs, not in the Notes part. The contact should still exist.


I don't use Outlook for my contacts, so I can't tell you exactly what will happen. You could try creating a non-existing contact with a number in Notes, and see if it's still there when you add the number to the contact.
I was initially able to Tap the telephone number and choose "Select All," but now, whenever I tap a telephone number, the keyboard pops up and I enter editing mode. The Copy | Select | Select All | Paste menu is no longer appearing for me.
Try force closing the app - double tap the Home button to show the multitask bar, then slide the thumbnail above the app icon towards the top of the screen. (Works in iOS 7 and 8).

Then try to select again.

If it's really that difficult, it could be easier to just edit the contact and type the phone number into the right field for it.
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I tried force-closing the phone app and then going back into it, but tapping in contacts, rather than activating the Copy | Select | Select All | Paste menu, is still putting me in editing mode with the keyboard pop up. However, I am finding that after the keyboard pops up, if I then tap again, the Copy | Select | Select All | Paste menu pops up.

I am running iOS 7.1.2.
By the way, is there any way to close an app besides force-closing it?
One more question: J. A. wrote above "After copying the number, you can also paste it into the To: address field of the Messages app and send a message to the person."

How do I paste the phone number into the To: address field of the Messages app? I tried tapping and holding to the right of "To," but nothing happens.
Wait for the magnifying glass to appear, then lift your finger, to get "Paste".
I tried force-closing the phone app and then going back into it, but tapping in contacts, rather than activating the Copy | Select | Select All | Paste menu, is still putting me in editing mode with the keyboard pop up. However, I am finding that after the keyboard pops up, if I then tap again, the Copy | Select | Select All | Paste menu pops up.

I am running iOS 7.1.2.
By the way, is there any way to close an app besides force-closing it?
I'm on iOS 8.1, maybe that's why it's different on my iPhone. I'm glad you found a way, though.

Afaik there's no other way to force close apps than the method I described.
Thank you. I am now able to paste in Messages.