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Would they honor the warranty? I bought it off eBay used. It is a Verizon iPhone 4 so it's less than a year old.

I wish I had an Apple Store close by so I could go see a Genius, but the closest is over 2 hours away from me.

Yes, they will honor the warranty. Apple warranty goes with the device, not the original owner. Apple lets you check the warranty status of your device here: https://selfsolve.apple.com/agreementWarrantyDynamic.do

I've purchased quite a few Macbook's and iPhone's on eBay. I purchased a Macbook Pro 13 that was malfunctioning, brought it to the Apple store and they fixed it. While at the Apple store, they also transferred the ownership into my name.

I doubt it but you could try. Did what Crank offer work with resetting the home button?

Sorry apple wouldn't honor the warranty since you got it through ebay

Incorrect fellas:)