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hello all


New Member
Apr 2, 2014
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Hi I am new here . I have had iphones since 3gs and now have ipad 2 and iphone 5 but will be getting a 5s very soon
I have been into jailbreaking since iphone 4.
I already posted my ist thread but no one has helped me as yet .

anyway see you in there
regards to all
awalt :)
Hi Awalt-- hang in there. Someone is bound to see your thread and help you!

Welcome to the Forum!! So glad that you joined us and hope that you gain a lot of good info here.

Remember that using the Search Function may help you find answers to many of your questions that others have asked before.

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Enjoy and Best Wishes!
Hi I am new here . I have had iphones since 3gs and now have ipad 2 and iphone 5 but will be getting a 5s very soon
I have been into jailbreaking since iphone 4.
I already posted my ist thread but no one has helped me as yet .

anyway see you in there
regards to all
awalt :)

Hi, welcome to the forum!

iPhoneForums.net Forum Rules - Please Read and Respect our Rules

remember…."search" is your friend…..Poisonivy….Administrator.
