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Have factory unlocked iPhone 4 - should I upgrade to 4.2 os?


New Member
Nov 29, 2010
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should I upgrade to 4.2 ?

Is it safe to jailbreak my iPhone 4 with 4.1 or should I upgrade first to 4.2 then jailbreak?
Is jailbreak for 4.2 available?

There is a jailbreak for 4.2 but it's tethered. I would stay on 4.1 until a untethered jailbreak becomes available if you wish to jailbreak 4.2.
Is there untethered jailbreak for 4.1?

Thanks for help
Yes. I'm on 4.1 just now. I used greenpoison. You could also use limerain. Both work in the same way and only take a couple of minutes.

Make a back up of your phone in iTunes first before you use them...
I am on the limera1n page as we speak. I am going with this one at less you tell me otherwise (and why).

Is one better then other. I am bit confused.

iPhone 4 Factory Unlocked
personally i would just upgrade i dont care about losing the jailbreak because there will always eb a jailbreak and it does not matter what baseband your on but it just means you would lose jailbreak until there is a tethered one for 4.2.1 firmware if you want the jb again
I stayed with 4.1 and jailbreaked the thing. Now I have Cydia but better yet Instalous and going ceazy. lol
nice, i used to not be able to live with out jailbreak apps either but now i rather be on the newest firmware then jb.