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First iPhone ever, for this new person.


New Member
Aug 14, 2010
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First iPhone I've ever gotten and I'm just amazed. I'm really glad this forum is here cause I don't know jack, so I'm thankful for all the geeks out there. =)

I'm actually looking for any threads on restore issues, so far I found a few but haven't found the answers yet. But I will keep looking...
Welcome to the forum!! Just post a thread in the help section we will be glad to help!!

First iPhone I've ever gotten and I'm just amazed. I'm really glad this forum is here cause I don't know jack, so I'm thankful for all the geeks out there. =)

I'm actually looking for any threads on restore issues, so far I found a few but haven't found the answers yet. But I will keep looking...

Welcome at iPhone4Forum rosieish, enjoy your stay here because this is a great site to learn new things and improve your knownledge about iPhones.

I also remember how excited I was several years ago when I got my first iPhone, it was a great experience to turn it on for this first time and even right now I'm a huge iPhone fan.

Let me know if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to assist you. :)