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FAQ "How do i save Battery life"


Jul 12, 2010
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Step 1- Turn 3G off when not using it, To do so go to Settings> General> Network> Enable 3G OFF

Step 2- Turn off Bluetooth when not using it, to do so go to Settings>General>Bluetooth>OFF

Step 3- Turn off wifi if you’re not using it, Settings>Wi-Fi>Off.

Step 4- Turn off Push Notifications, Settings>Notifications>Notifications OFF.

Step 5- Auto adjust Brightness, Settings>Brightness>Auto Brightness ON.

Step 6- Turn off vibrate,Flip the Switch on the left side of the phone up.NOT RECOMMENDED IF IN SCHOOL LOL.

Step 7- Turn off Push Email (Settings>Mail, Contacts, Calendars>Fetch New Data>Push OFF.

Step 8- Fetch new data manually (Settings>Mail, Contacts, Calendars>Fetch New Data set to Manually (AT BOTTOM).

Step 9- Shut of Equalizer (EQ IN PHONE), Settings>iPod>EQ>OFF

Step 10- Use Airplane mode when there is no coverage, Settings>Airplane Mode>OFF.

Thats 10 steps to help you save battery life, i use them. it works.. now to drain it, just reverse all that, (LOL).
Another note to mention. Would be apps running in the background use battery.
Another note to mention. Would be apps running in the background use battery.

Yeah, when your done with the app make sure to close it.. it uses up a lot of battery..
Another note to mention. Would be apps running in the background use battery.

Yeah, when your done with the app make sure to close it.. it uses up a lot of battery..

How would it use up a lot of battery? It isn't even multitasking. It's basically a "last apps open" bar. The only thing that really goes into "multitasking" mode is the iPod.
Another note to mention. Would be apps running in the background use battery.

Yeah, when your done with the app make sure to close it.. it uses up a lot of battery..

How would it use up a lot of battery? It isn't even multitasking. It's basically a "last apps open" bar. The only thing that really goes into "multitasking" mode is the iPod.

Well.. Not necessarily "A lot" of battery lol.. Quote.. on quote on quote on quote.. lol.. :iphone4vert:
So far the only app that stays running becides the stock apple ones are skype. As far as I can tell it stays open up to 12hours.... I really haven't been able to tell much if any "extra" battery drain.
So far the only app that stays running becides the stock apple ones are skype. As far as I can tell it stays open up to 12hours.... I really haven't been able to tell much if any "extra" battery drain.

I've noticed that if you are in an app, let's use Tap Tap Revenge 3 for example, and you hit the home button once, it closes it and puts it in your multitasking bar as "not running". Although if you are in Tap Tap Revenge 3, double tap the home button, and switch to a different app, and then switch back to TTR3 it actually keeps TTR3 running. I don't actually know if this is "multitasking", but it seems like it. And there would be possible battery drain if it is.
So far the only app that stays running becides the stock apple ones are skype. As far as I can tell it stays open up to 12hours.... I really haven't been able to tell much if any "extra" battery drain.

I've noticed that if you are in an app, let's use Tap Tap Revenge 3 for example, and you hit the home button once, it closes it and puts it in your multitasking bar as "not running". Although if you are in Tap Tap Revenge 3, double tap the home button, and switch to a different app, and then switch back to TTR3 it actually keeps TTR3 running. I don't actually know if this is "multitasking", but it seems like it. And there would be possible battery drain if it is.

It's not actually running its in a paused state. In the 4.0 keynote Steve explained the difference between pausing and "running" in the background. This is what makes iPhone multitasking so battery friendly.
Skype drawns your battery in less than 10 hours when running in the background.
im debating whether i should turn down some of the features. my battery currently lasts 5 hours in usage and around 17 hours in standby before dropping to like 30%. i have 1 push email enabled, aim on, brightness on auto, wifi off, bluetooth off. i listen to music for liek an hour and do some browsing for i would say 20 minutes of the day on 3g and game for another 20 minutes. is this normal?

oh and in the morning when i listen to music i see that it drops a % like every few minutes.
I find the biggest drain to be brightness. Even on auto I would suggest a setting less than half. Another thing I might look into is using another messenger app for aim. I use beejive the aim app may not be as efficient.
I find the biggest drain to be brightness. Even on auto I would suggest a setting less than half. Another thing I might look into is using another messenger app for aim. I use beejive the aim app may not be as efficient.

i just ditched aim and went with nimbuz to try out. for the push notifications, do you know if the data is constantly running? ( i have the 2gig data plan so i hope it wont drain my data dry if i leave the app on).
If your going for free try ebuddy free or IM+lite. Most of these apps just pause in the background and the message is on their server so until you view it you won't use any data. Most IM messengers are quite small data users unless your sending files or pictures.