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Email app suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
Lost In Middle America
I think I'm ready to move beyond the stock email app and was wondering if anyone had suggestions for a good one. I don't mind paying, if it's truly an outstanding product. I searched the App Store and was surprised at how few results turned up. I don't need Exchange capabilities, just POP and IMAP.
The one I like on my iPhone 5c is Sparrow. It doesn't do push notifications, but that doesn't upset me as I turn that off anyway if it did. The best thing about the app in my opinion is the unified inbox where I can read my emails from all of my accounts in one place.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
The one I like on my iPhone 5c is Sparrow. It doesn't do push notifications, but that doesn't upset me as I turn that off anyway if it did. The best thing about the app in my opinion is the unified inbox where I can read my emails from all of my accounts in one place.

Thanks! I'll check it out.