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Data is being downloaded


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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FYI post

This morning I checked my data usage as I do daily. To my surprise there were 2 downloads of 372Mb and 394Mb respectively shown for yesterday. Now I knew I was on WiFi all day yesterday whilst using the iPhone.

I did travel away from the WiFi source but didn't use the iPhone.

It appears what happened is that I had open applications that when I was away from WiFi source started downloading data over 3G. So I have learnt to turn off ALL applications after use. To do this double click the home button, you will see a list of all open applications in a horizontal line along the bottom of the screen.

Simply hold one down for a couple of seconds and a red line will appear. Press that button and the application will close.

I was unaware if this, so I have posted this so that others won't get burnt like I did. Hope it helps?
Mines with THREE which is in the UK. Only one to do it and it's called "all you can eat data" for £35 pm brilliant deal! Plus I now use mine as the wireless router too for the laptop. As it's unlimited with no fair usage!

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gavinlee77 said:
Unlimited data plan with 3 best thing going!!

I couldn't agree more. I was with Orange before 3 and I wouldn't ever go back to orange even if they offered my an island in Jamaica (which they wouldn't)

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