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Cydia tweak to create a clear springboard page?


Dec 10, 2012
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Hi everyone, I was wondering if there was any cydia tweak that allowed me to crate a clear spring board page, an empty one without any app at all. Or if there's any way to create it in some other way, I was thinking of an ios 6 cydia tweak that made apps invisible but I can't remember the name nor do I know if it's compatible eith ios 7... But I'd rather have a straightforward tweak that lets you create the page. Thanks a lot in advance i'll really be very grateful if anyone can help me
Not one that's available for iOS 7. There is one for iOS 6 that causes safe mode crashes. Poof has been updated for iOS 7 because of libhide and libstatus (one of the two is a pre-req). You'll most likely need to change your profile to Developer to get the pre-req to install.
Just wondering. could you do it with gridlock
So there's absolutely no way of making a clear springboard page with no apps? I just would like to put some text widget there^^
You could use iBlank to fill your screen up with blank icons. Combine that with Gridlock and you could just use one blank icon on the page.

Or, Apple has a way that you can take. All the icons can be taken off the first springboard page and it will stay empty once you stopped the icons wiggling after moving (I understand this works on iOS 6, also, though I've only discovered it with iOS 7).

Other than these options, I see no other way to "empty" a springboard page.

Thanks a lot marilyn for help, your solutions looks great, although I was wondering one thing about iBlank, it says that it disables default app icon, so I should download any random app from the appstore and then it will remove the icon?
Thanks a lot marilyn for help, your solutions looks great, although I was wondering one thing about iBlank, it says that it disables default app icon, so I should download any random app from the appstore and then it will remove the icon?

TBH - I don't know what the developer means by "works by disabling the default app icons." It's probably some programming thing...

But, no, you don't need to download an app. Go to Cydia and get "iBlank for iOS 7." You should get an icon and when you open the tweak/app, you get the ability to create icons; you create as many as y)u need/want. Then, it's just a simple matter of putting them where you want them.

The hardest part about using this tweak is finding the blank icons as they only "appear" when in wiggle mode [and you see the "X" to delete them]. But, the tweak works great.

Thank you so much Marilyn and willers, you've both been of a great deal of help to me, it does work great, I'm really grateful

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