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Camera Test - Droid X vs iPhone 4


Staff member
May 27, 2010
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BGR has posted some good camera test between the upcoming Motorola Droid X and the Apple iPhone 4. Check out the pics below and let us know what you think!


DROID X Sunlight (8 megapixel)


iPhone 4 Sunlight


DROID X Sunlight (8 megapixel)


iPhone 4 Sunlight


DROID X Sunlight (8 megapixel)


iPhone 4 Sunlight

Check out the entire article here: Still Image Capture, iPhone 4 v. DROID X (Updated)
Both have great quality but I'm gonna lean towards the iPhone 4 just because I have it.
i would say the quality of the iphone is easily better. which confuses me.. perhaps there will be a camera update for android that helps.. i know the first droid got better after a few updates.
i think u should of taken pictures at same angle and not moving the objects. That would be only way to really compare
The iPhone is the easy winner here...I just love the bright vibrant colors you get in every shot. Really shows you can't just slap i'n any old 8mp camera in and get the best quality shots.....
the first few pics the iphone looks a little darker but the iphone is 3 less mps so i bet once iphone reaches 8mp it would be 10 times better:D
The IP4 just smashed on that 8MP droid lol. Look at the pics the IP4 has great detail especially on that soccer ball...
i forget which site i read it on, but they were talking about pre-launch on both platforms its the software that renders the better image for the iphone 4. appears to be true now. go iphone!
iPhone hands down. I like the quality of the images, the pictures look marketable. Like its some hires pic for an ad.
Some people tend to think that the more Mp a camera has, the better the picture. This definitely proves that theory wrong. Go Apple!
Some people tend to think that the more Mp a camera has, the better the picture. This definitely proves that theory wrong. Go Apple!

and i was one of those people until i got the 5mp nokia and thought how crap the quality of the cam was
The iPhone 4 photos looks great, i think the backside-illuminated CMOS sensor and the size of the pixels makes the difference.

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