Bored with Android

Bored with Android


New Member
Thread Starter
Apr 8, 2011
Reaction score
Bozeman, MT
So here's my short introduction... My name is Chad. I'm from Montana and I am a Lead Jorneyman Plumber and Estimator. I've been married to my wife for the past 8 and a half years, and have two wonderful kids. I just recenlty bought and iPhone 4 (I know some of you are thinking why get an iPhone 4 now, when they are getting ready to come out with something this summer. Don't really care, I just did.) I got bored with my previous 3 android based devices and thought I would go a different route for now. I will probably have some of the dumbest questions but I will certainly search through old posts first before asking. Thanks.
Welcome aboard! Good move getting the iphone4. Certainly the iPhone 5 will be out this year but not much rumor has started over and ground breaking options.
Welcome to the forum, cwatkins. I feel you'll truly enjoy the iPhone, esp after learning about all its capabilities.
Welcome! I got bored with my previous Androids as well. As soon as I went to the iPhone 4, I havent looked back.

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