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Bioshock For iOS Will Be Fixed For iOS 9


iPhoneForums.net News Team
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
2K Games surprised everyone last year by bringing the first Bioshock video game to iPhone. The game, which was originally released for consoles, found enough power to run on our little devices. While the game was playable, it did have framerate and control issues at times, then finally it was completely broken when iOS 8.4 was released.

Good news for those who are still wanting to enjoy Bioshock on iOS devices. 2K Games released a statement that a fixed version of the game would be releasing for iOS 9:

"2K recently provided inaccurate information to customers surrounding removal of BioShock for iOS from the App Store. BioShock is currently incompatible with iOS versions 8.4 and higher, and as such, is temporarily removed for purchase from the App Store. 2K is fixing the compatibility issue, and when resolved, will place BioShock back on the App Store for purchase. Customers who already own BioShock may continue playing the game with iOS version 8.3 or earlier. 2K regrets the initial customer service error and looks forward to delivering an updated version of BioShock for iOS in the near future."

The title was initially launched on mobile in 2014 at a premium price of $14.99. No word on when the fixed version will be up, but I'm sure there are others like myself who paid the high price and couldn't even finish the game.

Source: Touch Arcade