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Apple Releases New Indoor Survey App


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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Indoor survey.JPG

Apple has released a new app called Indoor Survey that is designed to enable you to map out the interior of a building using your iPhone, according to MacRumors. Apple has not yet officially announced this new app, possibly because it does not appear to be fully functioning, and it was only discovered by accident by developer Steve Troughton-Smith last night. Anyone currently trying to use the app will be faced with an Authorization Failed notification prompting them to “contact your administrator” after entering their Apple ID and password, and will be unable to access the app’s features.

The app apparently works by using radio frequency signals together with the sensor data provided by the iPhone to map an interior, and is possibly the end product of Apple’s 2013 purchase of WifiSLAM.

Here’s the description of the app from the App Store:

"Enable indoor positioning within a venue using the Indoor Survey app. By dropping 'points' on a map within the Survey App, you indicate your position within the venue as you walk through. As you do so, the indoor Survey App measures the radio frequency (RF) signal data and combines it with an iPhone's sensor data. The end result is indoor positioning without the need to install special hardware."

Click here to access Indoor Survey in the App Store: Connecting to the iTunes Store.

Source: Hidden 'Indoor Survey' App Created by Apple Discovered on App Store