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Apple posts record $3.25b profit in first quarter.


New Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Lubbock, TX
Apple posts record $3.25b profit in first full quarter of iPad sales, says more 'amazing products' coming this year.


Apple just posted up its third quarter earnings -- its first full quarter selling the iPad -- and, well, it's raining cash in Cupertino. The company posted a record profit of $3.35b on record revenues of $15.7b, which is up from $1.83b and $9.73b from a year ago. The big stat? Apple sold 3.27 million iPads, nearly matching the 3.47 million Macs sold -- and Mac sales were up 33 percent from a year ago to set a new quarterly record. IPhone sales -- including the first few weeks of the iPhone 4 -- were up 61 percent from a year ago to 8.4 million, and the iPod continued its slow decline, down eight percent to 9.41 million units sold. Over half of the Apple's sales -- 52 percent -- were international.

Source: Apple
Glad I was able to help Apple do so well. They make user friendly products.