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Apple Posts 'Hey Siri' and 'Ridiculously Powerful' Ads


iPhoneForums.net News Team
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
Last night Apple shared two new iPhone 6S and 6S Plus ads on its YouTube channel. The new commercials show how powerful both iPhone models are and the many uses of Siri.

The first commercial boasts Apple's A9 processor, found in this year's iPhone models. Titled Ridiculously Powerful, actors in the ad can be seen using Apple Pay, playing games, recording videos, and more.

The second ad titled Hey Siri shows off... you guessed it... the "Hey Siri" feature on iOS. Actors in the commercial can be seen using Siri without having to hold down the Home button. The ad prides the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus having amazing voice recognition and hands-free features.

The two new Apple advertisements can be viewed in the reply below.
Interesting. I'm not used to Apple downselling theirselves. "Not much has changed" does not seem very Apple-like. Its true, and I see where they're going with that, but I can't imagine this is appealing at all to owners of iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus units, who would never upgrade their phones for something that hasnt changed much.