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App no longer available, hardware useless.


New Member
Jan 21, 2013
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I bought a Power A universal Remote case a while back and decided to dig it and my old 3g out of storage. The app would just crash at startup so I did the usual thing, I removed it, hoping to re download. No go. Apparently the app no longer exists in the itunes store and any 3rd party sites (which is the only thing customer "support" could suggest to do) just link me to the store, where, as aforementioned the app no longer exists. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, I had a lot of fun with that accessory and feel ripped off for having the software taken from my reach leaving me with an 80 dollar plug that just links me to a nonexistent application.
Unfortunately, if an app has been removed from the AppStore and is no longer functional, there's nothing that can be done.
You can try contacting the developers to see if they can provide you the download. I've seen cases where developers provide a 'redemption code' of some sort that you can use in the AppStore to download a one-time app for an old app that's no longer in stores. Not sure if that's changed since it's been a little under 2 years.
The app itself has no reason to not be functional as far as I can tell, it does not require being connected to a network to operate,I used it without a cell or wireless connection numerous times, I see no reason to make the hardware itself completely useless when I could still be enjoying the product I bought from them, even if it is technically "obsolete", it's not like I'm asking them to replace an old cdma style phone screen or something, it's a piece of data they probably have stuffed on a server somewhere.
Also, I have tried contacting power a and getting to a higher level than customer service both by phone and email, to no avail. All I ever receive as an answer is one of the managers will be in contact with you shortly. I don't know anymore, it just seems unfair that an old piece of software that was free to download but required for the use of a physical product is completely inaccessible to anyone that still wants to tinker with these things. The least they could do is update their damn website to say it's not supported instead of still linking to an app that isn't there. But I'm ranting, the help was appreciated gentleman.
Devs tend to just pull products off the market without notice. For the apps I work for, we give users days of notice that we'll be down or slow for maintenance and such, and on the single rare occasion, we took it off the AppStore because of hurricane sandy a few months back, and we left notices everywhere on our forums

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I know :( I'm going to keep trying, I don't have disposable income any time soon and that auto learn function was useful as hell and great for little pranks at friends places. Oh well, thanks for the help guys.