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Another Newby


New Member
Nov 1, 2014
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Just joined up hoping to get the most out of my new iPhone 6+ which is actually provided by my employer. Had an iPhone 4 which was pretty good but the 6/6+ is a pretty major improvement though I've only had it for a few days. Got Siri set up and working well but I think the difference I appreciate the most is the larger size especially when typing.
Just joined up hoping to get the most out of my new iPhone 6+ which is actually provided by my employer. Had an iPhone 4 which was pretty good but the 6/6+ is a pretty major improvement though I've only had it for a few days. Got Siri set up and working well but I think the difference I appreciate the most is the larger size especially when typing.
Welcome to iPhone Forums WingRider! You'll find no shortage of members willing to help with any problems or questions you may have.
Hello and welcome to the forum.
Welcome to iPhoneForums and ConGrats on your new iPhone 6+....ENJOY
Thanks for the welcomes!

I guess it's different when the iPhone is from an employer and you're expected to have it with you nearly all the time. Still, it's such a great upgrade from the 4 and I joined the forum to learn how to get more from the 6+ than just phone calls and basic work activities.
Thanks for the welcomes!

I guess it's different when the iPhone is from an employer and you're expected to have it with you nearly all the time. Still, it's such a great upgrade from the 4 and I joined the forum to learn how to get more from the 6+ than just phone calls and basic work activities.

Not just my employer (me), but my WIFE expects me to have it with me at all times as well (facetime)...LOL
As does mine generally speaking and I'll keep the 6+ with me more often once the Ballistic case for it arrives in a couple of days. I'm finding it kinda slippery and don't want to break it before it's a week old so once the case arrives, it'll be my constant companion.
Thanks and I see you're from Kansas. About three years ago in the summer two of us rode our motorcycles out west going through Kansas. All I remember of Kansas is incredible heat and crosswinds. We were well done by the time we pulled off the road for the night in Dodge City.