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And I've just ordered my iP4 here in Tas, au


New Member
Aug 7, 2010
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Inland Vic, AU
I have just ordered (from T-life in Tas). All stocks went a few days ago and they don't know how long new stock will be.

I the meantime I have bought some accessories in readiness:
- Screen protectors (Belkin)
- Kensington 12V car charger
- Belkin iPhone/pod to TV & USB out cables

and the most amazing bud headphones

- Lil' Jamz (Monster)

I have previously tried Sennheiser thinking they have always had a great name. But alas the sound was worse that what I have heard from $15 sets. Nearly non existant bass and very tinny sound. Added to that the mouldable ear wraps would not hold their shape - so I soon took them back.

Then I brought the Monster Lil' Jamz home after paying a bit more and can only say I was blown away!!!

Not only can I say the sound - sharp highs and massive bass, was near on the quality of $300 full headsets. They are also very comfortable and do an amazing job of keepting outside sounds, well outside.

Here's the site Monster® Lil’ Jamz™ Performance Headphones

As I havn't got my iP4 yet, I have been using my old Creative MP3 player to test the phones with.

So I have got something quite amazing to distract me now until the iPhone arrives.

Cheers Anton
i had no idea that belkin did protectors. my router is a belkin, but its good your prepared for when you receive it where is tas btw? in america?
Hi Palio, Tasmania, Australia. Its Oz's big Island stuck on the bottom. Down here on a working holiday.