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16 or 32 gb?

I went 32GB for the extra space. Only have about 8GB of stuff on it so far, but only got it yesterday and haven't finished putting what I want on there.
I had a 32 gigglebite 3GS and, after apps, thousands of pics, and lots of tunes, I had 23 geebees left. I transferred all that to my 16 gb 4 and have over 10 left. It takes a lot to fill them up.
with a bigger camera and HD recording you will fill up pretty quickly ifyou use the camera.. I went with 32Gb
32GB all the way. but some are happy with even 8GB.. me i would of got 64GB if they had it, the more the better
i just went with 16GB, i totally forgot that it
has a 5mp camera and an HD video. hopefully
it will be enough though.
You should know that even if you buy the 16 gb version you actually only get to use something like 14 gb as the other 2 gb must be used up by the operating system.

I have the 16 gb and only have 1.5 gb of space left. It's mostly just music for me though so I'll just have to rearrange sone things.

At the end of the day only you know how much stuff you plan to put on there.
alright hmm ya i want the 32 gb but i really right now can only afford the 16gb maybe if i had some patience i could save up.... lol i gotta end my crackberry curve contract and pay like 460 bucks....
I had to go with a 16 gig. had to upgrade my wife's phone as well ;). Our 8 gigs were enough. I had mostly music and pics. My wife mainly had movies, and iBooks. I did make it a habit to put my pics in my ext. Hard drive every couple of months.

I do have a question. Can the videos made on the iPhone 4, when connected to your computer, be cut and pasted in the hard drive? Just like the pictures on the phone? I usually post my videos on my you tube account and send it to my family and friends. Plus this will free up space on my phone. Thanks in advance for your answers.
I have a 32gb with 12gb left. 98% of it is music.

Music at the pool, in the shower, in the hot tub, in the car...ect.

I like alot of different variety as well. Thats why there is so much music. I have ranges from solo piano sanotas to A Skylit Drive and everything in between.
I had to go with a 16 gig. had to upgrade my wife's phone as well ;). Our 8 gigs were enough. I had mostly music and pics. My wife mainly had movies, and iBooks. I did make it a habit to put my pics in my ext. Hard drive every couple of months.

I do have a question. Can the videos made on the iPhone 4, when connected to your computer, be cut and pasted in the hard drive? Just like the pictures on the phone? I usually post my videos on my you tube account and send it to my family and friends. Plus this will free up space on my phone. Thanks in advance for your answers.

yes you can when you plug it in use image capture. if your on a mac. on pc open where the pics would be i think it should be there
On osx just open iPhoto, devices, iPhone, and drag em to the desktop. From there I just import to iMovie and when I'm done, I delete the vid off the desktop.