iphone 4s - speaker phone is the only way some1 can hear me when i am on a call.

iphone 4s - speaker phone is the only way some1 can hear me when i am on a call.


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Oct 15, 2011
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Hi... I just got my 4S yesterday after switching from a droid. I love it, but i am having a problem with voice calls. No one can hear me unless i put the speaker on when talking. I have tried switching settings, etc. I was on the phone with verizon support and they say the phone is defective and they will send me a new one. Since it is a new phone they really don't know much about it so i'm not sure if it defective or a setting is wrong. A new phone is going to take 2 weeks since they are back ordered Ugghh! Does anyone have any advice on some setting that may be incorrect? Any advice would be appreciated.
Since the microphone that is used to pick up your voice doesn't change between speaker phone mode and private mode, I find your condition very interesting.

Do you already have a screen protector in place?
Ok, that removes one of the big issues. Do you have a case around it that covers any part of the light senor at the top of the phone above the ear speaker?
I took the case off and still have the same problem.
When the you switch between speaker/private modes does the mute button turn blue?
No the mute button is not blue. It's weird if i yell they can hear me a little bit. I also had a problem when setting up voicemail. When i played my message back the volume was extremely low.
Ok, that removes my next theory which is bluetooth was doing something weird. I am going to step back and dwell on this. But at present I am baffled.
I thought it might have been bluetooth and I turned that off and still no luck. I too am baffled! Thanks for your help!
I have the same problem, except I can turn the speaker off right away again and then it works normally. But every incoming or outcoming call i can't hear, nor can they hear me until I put it on speaker, then turn off speaker then all is well. Im curious what is causing this.
I have same problem people can hear me fine yet I can only just hear them on private yet speaker phone is ok is this a fault with the phone can I take it back to the shop and get a new one? Or any ideas on fixing as so annoyed as my iPhone 3 had no problems any help would be great
I did what the previous post said I put it on loud speaker then turned it bk to private and it worked I take it it's still a fault with the phone?
Candice said:
I have the same problem, except I can turn the speaker off right away again and then it works normally. But every incoming or outcoming call i can't hear, nor can they hear me until I put it on speaker, then turn off speaker then all is well. Im curious what is causing this.

I will have to try the speaker on them off and see if that works.
Robbo81 said:
I have same problem people can hear me fine yet I can only just hear them on private yet speaker phone is ok is this a fault with the phone can I take it back to the shop and get a new one? Or any ideas on fixing as so annoyed as my iPhone 3 had no problems any help would be great

Yes u can take it back for a new one but they are back ordered now. It's a defect in the phone. Verizon is sending me a new one but I will not get it until the 28th.
Can I suggest insert and remove the headset several times, it might be a slightly fault socket.

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