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IOS vs Android

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That's a long web page. Still no complaint here though. It's all good.

humm try this web page and then tell me if you can do it with 1 swipe. www.pcper.com

I see what your saying. When I had my Inspire it would do that. One quick swipe and I'm at the bottom of the page. But as time went on that wasn't the case, as a matter of fact it would scroll to the bottom fast when I didn't want it to. Besides there's nothing wrong with the way the iPhone does it. I guess it's a matter of preference.
iPhoneTibster said:
That's a long web page. Still no complaint here though. It's all good.


I agree, it works fine to me.
I had the iPhone 3G and got a dud device. I was upset with Apple for a long time. I was all about Android. After seeing iOS5 being presented, I was so impressed that I decided to give the iPhone another chance. I'm so glad I did. I've done all the rooting and flashing a person can do, but what I missed was the solidarity of an OS. Android is great but very fragmented and a lot of force closes come with it. Now I want a phone that works without all the hang ups. The iPhone was it and I'm so glad I gave Apple another chance.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF.net
GoldenBlaze said:
I had the iPhone 3G and got a dud device. I was upset with Apple for a long time. I was all about Android. After seeing iOS5 being presented, I was so impressed that I decided to give the iPhone another chance. I'm so glad I did. I've done all the rooting and flashing a person can do, but what I missed was the solidarity of an OS. Android is great but very fragmented and a lot of force closes come with it. Now I want a phone that works without all the hang ups. The iPhone was it and I'm so glad I gave Apple another chance.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF.net

Have you ever operated a stock android phone like the Nexus?
Hi. Just quick question. I am on ios 5.0 and on bandwith 04.11.08 so which beta does that make me
megalosdog said:
I'm right there with you. And yes I had a nexus s4g pure google. Just another crapper, the experience just isn't there. There is no amount of specs that could make me go back to android, the os is just poorly written and not polished. Just stroll through any android forum and count the problem threads.

I like iOS better myself, I look forward to reading the hands on review of the Galaxy Nexus.
. Just stroll through any android forum and count the problem threads.

Means nothing. Scroll thru our iPad forum. Scroll thru here. Problem threads for all devices. Take the good with the bad ~ all devices at some time or another make me want to spoon out my eyes.
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p3unit32 said:
Have you ever operated a stock android phone like the Nexus?

I didn't have the Nexus that was stock but I had the Samsung Moment and to me, iOS is just a more polished interface. The only other that is just as good, although antiquated is Blackberry's OS.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF.net
Just stroll through any android forum and count the problem threads.

And there aren't a lot of problem threads here? I think not. Plus you have to take in to account that there are many different versions of the stock Android OS and there are about 10 modified versions, those made by developers, for each specific phone. A lot of those problems are due to user error when installing a custom rom.

Sent form my DROIDX using Tapatalk
That's a long web page. Still no complaint here though. It's all good.

humm must be something wrong with my 4s then. cause i have to swipe atleast 4-5 times to get to the bottom. guess it's time to go hit the local apple store.
humm must be something wrong with my 4s then. cause i have to swipe atleast 4-5 times to get to the bottom. guess it's time to go hit the local apple store.

But if you are reading a whole web page which is what I do, why would one want to scroll down to the bottom without reading the rest of it?

I mean major problems. Check out the bionic forum, what a joke. Big bad bionic craps on itself. And yeah I see you're using a droid x ....had one of those too

I had the bionic for almost a month and never had any problems with it. It's my favorite 4G phone on Verizon.
Well, you got to remember that this guy had his phone for about a month. I could have had any new/gently used iPhone for a month and not had any problems with it. Anyways, I've had the iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and an iPhone 4 (on a 4S now) I've had all for over a year each and had no problems. Don't know about Android, but iOS devices are very good for at least over a years usage.

Hi guys,

I've used both, but not used iOS since my iPhone 3G (iOS 3? - believe i tried updating to iOS4 but it was already pushing the phone's limits) I'm ready to come back to the iPhone now, especially since Notifications have been revamped and the voice commands implemented. I just have a couple questions and I thought this might be an appropriate thread to address them in.

1.) Sharing: I've come to love the sharing feature on android, and I'm wondering how it's implemented on iOS. ex: If i want to put a link up on facebook, archive a website into evernote how do i get it there? Is it just copy url & paste into another app, or is there a means to "share" via safari now?

2.) ....

well I guess I only had the one question!!!!!!

Thanks for any legitimate responses!!
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