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Contact List - One Contact Placed at Beginning


Jun 16, 2016
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I just noticed this.

I entered my contacts.

Now I notice that one of the contacts has a light "me" on the right side.
Also, that contact appears at the start of my Contact List and under the name it says
"My Number: (xxx) xxx-xxxx"

I went to Settings, Mail, Contacts, Calendars, My Info
but I see no way to change or remove that.
You can change your card at the top of the Contacts app in Settings - Mail, Contacts, Calendars - My Info. There, you select your name/account.

If you want to remove the card from the top, open the Contacts app, scroll to the part where "me" is written next to it, select "Edit", and then scroll down to Delete Contact.

Hope that helps.
Actually, I did delete that contact.

Then I reentered that person.

This time the word "me" doesn't appear to the right of their name.

However, that person still appears at the start of the list and below their name it say:
"My Number: xxx-xxx-xxxx" and shows my cell number.

One other thing. If I go to Mail, Contacts, Calendars, My Info and then want to select my name, I have to be a Contact in my own list. I entered my name as a Contact but that seems a bit odd to have myself on my own Contact List.
I keep my contact credentials in my own contact list and setup as me. It's a professional thing, when I'm at networking events it's easier to share my contact card via message, airdrop, nfs, email when it's already setup in my device. I've event created two contact cards for myself. One with personal information, addresses, etc and one strictly for business purposes with my office contact information.

I see the point of having yourself in your own list.