What does this mean?

What does this mean?


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Apr 1, 2011
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Here is a photograph of some message on my iPhone 4.

Sent from my 128 GB iPad 4


  • $image-1692444498.webp
    16.5 KB · Views: 698
It looks like you have Battery Doctor downloaded onto your phone.
Yep... that would be one of those battery apps that does absolutely nothing for the performance of your battery. Other than telling you things, like the message you've showed us, that could 'possibly' preserve battery life.
Yep... that would be one of those battery apps that does absolutely nothing for the performance of your battery. Other than telling you things, like the message you've showed us, that could 'possibly' preserve battery life.

Yes that is correct I have battery doctor. Should I delete? When I hit optimize what will this do? One option is optimize 3 items.

When I choose clean option will this delete applications?

There is another option to add 16 new apps.

Sent from my 128 GB iPad 4
This is just me but I wouldn't have it on my phone, I don't think it enhances your phones performance and with iphone I really don't think it's needed.
This is just me but I wouldn't have it on my phone, I don't think it enhances your phones performance and with iphone I really don't think it's needed.

When it come to tweaks like these, it's a 2-way thing. Some users see it helping and enhancing, while others don't see a difference. Overall it's not necessary, but I guess having it gives a lot of users the sense of security or enhancement. I've yet to fin any use of Battery Doctor since it's release, except for the battery statistics.

Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk Pro
This is just me but I wouldn't have it on my phone, I don't think it enhances your phones performance and with iphone I really don't think it's needed.

Then it is gone. Just deleted from phone. Thank you much for letting me know that I do not need this application.

Sent from my 128 GB iPad 4
Out of curiosity, I checked out an app called CM Security that is supposed to clean up files and such while also reallocating RAM space. First, the iPhone does a great job of managing RAM memory. It needs no help that probably does more harm than good. Also, this app did it's "cleaning" by deleting cache from apps like Facebook and other 3rd party apps that build up cache. Many apps need that cache to work properly. Without it your phone has to work harder to do the things it needs to do.
Out of curiosity, I checked out an app called CM Security that is supposed to clean up files and such while also reallocating RAM space. First, the iPhone does a great job of managing RAM memory. It needs no help that probably does more harm than good. Also, this app did it's "cleaning" by deleting cache from apps like Facebook and other 3rd party apps that build up cache. Many apps need that cache to work properly. Without it your phone has to work harder to do the things it needs to do.

I saw those types of applications. I am always afraid these will delete saved information on certain applications. Like video downloads, music downloads.

Sent from my 128 GB iPad 4

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