Walmart Planning on Letting Shoppers Use iPhone App to Scan Shopping

Walmart Planning on Letting Shoppers Use iPhone App to Scan Shopping


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Reuters reports that Wal-Mart Stores Inc is currently testing a new system whereby you would be able to use your iPhone when shopping to scan items and then pay for them at a self-checkout. The “Scan & Go” test invite appeared last week on the Survey Monkey website, with Walmart asking for employees with iPhones to sign up for the test, which will be conducted at a Walmart supercenter in Rogers, Arkansas, close to Walmart’s company headquarters. Reuters notes that Walmart, and other retailers, should they see fit to follow Walmart’s example, stand to save millions of dollars by getting customers to scan their own shopping with their smartphones and even make payments without using cashiers. Anything to speed up lines at Walmart would be welcome, as Reuters notes, shoppers frequently bemoan long lines at Walmart on Twitter and other social media platforms, and it’s the same here in the UK, where Walmart is called Asda, but the lines are just the same, despite the different name!

Source: Exclusive: Walmart tests iPhone app checkout feature | Reuters
Walmart thought the same thing several years ago when they implemented the "Self-Checkout" where you scan your items and then place them in a bag... on a scale. The scale would keep track of the items and their weight as you put them in the bag... of course the shoplifters easily bypassed this by just..... not putting their stolen items in the bag on the scale. All the local Supercenters around here exploded w/ the Self-checkout and installed a dozen or so in each store. They were quite short lived... I see this going the same way. Like any new fad....
I can't see this happening because what's to stop a shoplifter just putting things in his/her bag that they haven't scanned?

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I can't see this happening because what's to stop a shoplifter just putting things in his/her bag that they haven't scanned?
Exactly... that's why the Self-Checkouts are a complete bust. Adding the iPhone app isn't gonna change anything...
we have more and more of those self checkouts here now,its an invitation to steal and it's the honest shopper that pays and the stores save on paying someone a wage.
we have more and more of those self checkouts here now,its an invitation to steal and it's the honest shopper that pays and the stores save on paying someone a wage.
And that's what it boils down to... NOT paying someone to be a cashier! Their hopes is that the amount of $$ they save not paying the cashier at that register will offset the amount their loosing in thefts.
And that's what it boils down to... NOT paying someone to be a cashier! Their hopes is that the amount of $$ they save not paying the cashier at that register will offset the amount their loosing in thefts.
thats it exactly,and the stores lose nothing,what they lose in thefts is passed on to the shopper,its us that lose out.
well they do have supervisors on those self checkouts and ways of checking if you try steal or not scan things but when it comes to opening security tags that can be annoying but apple have the iphone app where you purchase your items and just walk in and out with out spending ages with a apple genius so its very good if you know what you want and dont want to sit there for 5 hours while they try impress you or sell you other things, I think it can be a very good idea.

with having some one there friends and family would go and the cashier would not scan items also so there is risks either way.
The self checkouts that weigh your bag know exactly what it should weigh based on what you purchased....tough to fool them.
Doesn't anybody see what the "true" problem is here? Let me re-word the story to help you understand.


Wal-Mart stores are working on a new system that will save the company more money by terminating jobs. They won't have to pay for labor or benefits. The proposed solution...let the shoppers do the work and make it seem like a convienance to them by allowing them to scan the items with their pretty little iPhones. They can use the self-checkout counters that have been in use for several years.

So if you use those self-checkouts...shame on you for paying Wal-Mart to let you shop there. Wake Up America!

Don't download the app if they start this program. Support the people who need their jobs.
I remember reading a few years ago that by using RFID technology, checkout could be virtually instantaneous. I'm surprised it hasn't taken off.

You should, in theory, be able to run your cart through a scanner and get an invoice based on the contents of the cart, no waiting in line and no cashiers needed at all, just one person to collect your payment as you leave the store.

I think the article was in Scientific American about 5 years ago.

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Just another advancement in technology so businesses have an excuse to cut costs and jobs at the same time. Looks as though our economy is going to continue to get worse, along with this tech buffs will find a new way to shoplift and raise prices for the consumer, my opinion this is absolute crap just another excuse for businesses to do less and increase their revenue at the same time!
Myself, I prefer self checkouts to save on time when I have one or two things and I prefer doing it myself so I don't have to deal with anyone.
I agree... self checkouts are quite nice when you're only grabbing an item or two. Only then though!!
When the self checkouts where introduced I thought that would be the end of cashier staff and they would all get fired but in reality no one has lost their jobs at any of the supermarkets I have been to and there will always be a need for check out staff for checking the age of people who want alcohol for example or smokes as well as those annoying security tags of course they don't let you take them off yourself and even the self service checkouts there are 2-3 staff standing and to make sure no one is steeling or has any problems.. I don't mind either using it or not some days it depends what one has less of a queue lol

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