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Wall Street Predicts Revenue of $40 Billion Prior to Apple Earnings Results for Sept. Quarter


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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With Apple due to report the results of its September quarter later today, AppleInsider reports that Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster has written to investors to summarize Wall Street’s expectations for the figures. In his letter to investors, Munster said that he doesn’t expect Apple to post revenue much above $40 billion, giving the reason that Apple would have revised its guidance of between $37 billion and $40 billion if there had been any significant increase above that, which it has not done.

AppleInsider says that Apple did indeed take that step last year, so there is precedence for such a move.

As far as iPhone sales are concerned, Wall Street seems to think that Apple is set to report shipments of somewhere between 37 million and 38 million units for the quarter. This would signify 10% year over year growth, a little down from the 13% growth of the June quarter this year.

Wall Street expects iPad shipments to be around 12 million units, which would be a drop of 15% year over year.

Source: AppleInsider