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Verizon Winds Down Stock of 32GB iPhone 5c


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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With the imminent launch of the iPhone 6 on September 9, speculation has turned to which, if any, of the current range of iPhones will Apple choose to retire.

Bearing this in mind, today’s story on AppleInsider about Verizon moving shed-loads of its 32GB iPhone 5c inventory indicates that the device will be discontinued by Apple once it announces the next iPhone.

Further, an anonymous source also backed up the speculation, telling AppleInsider that Apple has indeed retired the 32GB iPhone 5c, which will remain on shelves until all units are sold, but will not then be replenished.

The Wall Street Journal also reported earlier in the year that this would be the case.

Verizon’s stocks of the 16GB iPhone 5c and all versions of the iPhone 5s are still plentiful according to AppleInsider, so it’s likely that those two models will be sticking around.

Source: http://appleinsider.com/articles/14...phone-5c-ahead-of-apples-anticipated-iphone-6