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Verizon Network Coping Well With Extra iPhone Traffic


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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TUAW reports today that the Verizon network appears to be coping well with the increase in traffic since the launch of the Verizon iPhone, according to a report from web application performance company Compuware Gomez. According to the report findings, Verizon’s mobile data performance has remained untroubled by the massive increase of users on the network, with browsing and page load times showing only a miniscule drop (they were roughly four-tenths of one percent slower) since the launch of the iPhone. Compuware Gomez measured the data performance of the Verizon network on the first four official days of the iPhone being on the network, from February 10 to 13, during which period, Compuware Gomez estimates that between 500,000 and 700, 000 new iPhone users joined the network. Of course, some of these would already have been Verizon customers switching over to the iPhone from their old phones, but even so, it’s still pretty impressive that the Verizon network appears to be able to handle all those extra users without breaking a sweat.

Source: Verizon network reportedly handling iPhone traffic well
Haha they made the right choice holding back release until they made sure they could handle the extra usage