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Verizon iPhone Sales Slightly Under Expectations


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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Boy Genius Report has an exclusive report today saying that the first-week sales of the Verizon iPhone 4 have been somewhat less than Apple and Verizon had been expecting. BGR provides the combined unit sales figures from five Apple stores (two of which it says are very high profile) for both the Verizon and the AT&T iPhone 4, which are as follows:

  • Thursday: Verizon - 909, AT&T - 539
  • Friday: Verizon - 916, AT&T - 680
  • Saturday: Verizon - 660, AT&T - 471
  • Sunday: Verizon - 796, AT&T - 701
  • Monday: Verizon - 711, AT&T - 618

BGR has also been told by their Apple sources that online pre-orders from both Verizon and Apple totalled 550,000 together. They even have a breakdown of who is buying the Verizon iPhone, revealing that 30% are Android users, 25% are BlackBerry users, and just 14% were AT&T iPhone owners.

These figures aren’t necessarily that troubling for Apple or Verizon, as many people are probably still tied into contracts elsewhere, and others may be waiting for the release of the iPhone 5. Probably a more accurate picture of the success of the Verizon iPhone will emerge come June/July.

Source: Exclusive: Verizon iPhone sales fail to meet expectations | BGR | Boy Genius Report