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Twitter Rolls Out New Anti-Abuse Tools


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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iMore reports that Twitter has announced a series of new measures designed to make it easier for people to report online abuse on the social network.

Here’s some of what Twitter had to say on the matter on its official blog:

“We’re improving the reporting process to make it much more mobile-friendly, require less initial information, and, overall, make it simpler to flag Tweets and accounts for review. These enhancements similarly improve the reporting process for those who observe abuse but aren’t receiving it directly. And to enable faster response times, we’ve made the first of several behind-the-scenes improvements to the tools and processes that help us review reported Tweets and accounts.”

iMore says that the new features are currently only available to just a few Twitter users, but they will be rolled out to all Twitter users over the next few weeks.

Twitter also said that more user controls, more improvements to the reporting system, and new enforcement procedures for abusing accounts will also be arriving in the coming months.

Source: iMore
I would also love to see Twitter change their appearance a bit. It's been the same format view for a long time. It needs some more pizazz!
yup i also heard about it , i believe that new appearance would add value alot.