Twitter App Updated with Push Notification Features

Twitter App Updated with Push Notification Features


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Jun 18, 2010
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Pocket -lint reports that Twitter’s new update for its iPhone and iPad apps introduces push notifications for @mentions and messages, designed to let you know when someone you're following mentions you. To start with, the notification will be via SMS, and you must first change your settings on the Twitter site in order to activate the notifications.

“When you’re out and about, your phone probably isn’t always in front of you. It might be in your pocket or purse or on a table – perhaps with the screen off. We want to make sure you see important Tweets even when you’re not looking at Twitter at the moment”, explains the Twitter Blog.

Other new features in the iPhone update include additional Retina graphics, improved display of shortened URLs and the ability to enable geotagging in your account with one tap.

Go here to download the updated version of the free Twitter app from the App Store.

Source: Pocket-Lint, Twitter Blog