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Tilt to Live Frostbite Update Out Now


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
Reaction score

One Man Left's accelerometer-based, hi-score-driven tilt-control-only shooter for the iPhone and iPod touch has finally introduced its long-awaited Frostbite update, which is now available as a free download from the App Store. In the new Frostbite mode, a blizzard of enemies falls from the top of the play area to the boiling hot spring below. Your job is to destroy the frozen dots before they reach the hot spring and get reanimated. When you shatter enemies, you earn score multipliers for destroying the larger clusters, filling the meter at the bottom of the screen in the process. Filling the meter will earn you a Burnicade pickup, which burns enemies for fun in its deadly fire.

The free update also includes seven new award challenges, where you can share your results with the world via the AGON Social Platform for iPhone games. If you don't already have a copy of the game, you can download it for $2.99 from the App Store.

Source: One Man Left