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New Member
Nov 1, 2017
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I have a little problem with notifications sounds,the banners show up but no sounds,so it’s not till i turn the screen on that i know there is a message,I’ve gone through everything i can think of but still the same.this is my first iPhone because I’ve always been a android user,but this is better.
There’s a button at the side of your iPhone, next to the volume buttons. It can silence system sounds. If you see the orange part, toggle it to the other side, so that it’s not set to mute notifications.

Also make sure you have selected a sound. Go to Settings (the app) - Notifications - Notification Style, select the app, and take a look at Sounds. There should be something else but “None”.
I have this problem on and off with my 5s. I have never figured out what causes it.