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Setting alarm clock


New Member
Oct 20, 2011
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I want to set my alarm clock for a specific day but she wont listen, anybody figure this out yet?
Say to Siri:
"Set Alarm for four PM". Will set a one time alarm.
"Set Alarm for four PM every Wednesday". If you need a repeating alarm every Wednesday.
"Set Alarm for four PM repeating". If you need a repeating alarm every day.

If you try:
"Set Alarm for four PM on October 26th". Siri will ask to set a reminder instead since alarms can only be repeating or one shot.
Ahhhh I left out the word "every" and just said Wednesday. But why won't it work if I say "tomorrow"? Why do I have to say repeating?
Alarms can only be for something in the next 24 hours or on a repeating day schedule. So you have two options at this point. Reminders and a Calendar appointment.

Now there is one huge thing you should know about the difference between the two. Reminders only activate a tone ONCE. Calendar appointments will activate a tone till you shut it off or it times out. If it times out, it will use the built in snooze and reactivate in 10 minutes. So Reminders can technically be missed where Calendar appointments probably will not be.
Alright I guess I cant have my cake and eat too oh we'll. thanks for your help!
I dont understand people have been ask for this for years!!!! how hard would it be for apple to add a day and date option to the alarm app??
I dont understand people have been ask for this for years!!!! how hard would it be for apple to add a day and date option to the alarm app??
You’d have to use a third party alarm app to set an alarm for a specific date.
I dont understand people have been ask for this for years!!!! how hard would it be for apple to add a day and date option to the alarm app??

They have, they call it Calendar... Apple doesn't like to turn apps into huge behemoths that crowd into the space of other apps. I know a lot of people don't agree with that way of thinking, but I do. The exact opposite of other developers trying to get every app to do everything.