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Ringer and Alert - Volume level


New Member
Jul 5, 2011
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Just got my new iphone this afternoon. Apologies if these question have been asked before. I've been trying to duplicate some of my favorite Android applications. As much as I have looked forward to getting an iphone, my old Droid did serve me well and I am used to certain functions that I can't seem to find on the iphone.

Is there a way to set the volume of the phone and alerts separately? I'd like my phone ringer to be at the loudest, and my alerts to be barely audible - not turned off as I see that's an option, but very low. Are there any widgets for this? Does an iphone even do widgets? Is there a better application than the one that is built into the phone?

I'm really looking for a calendar that will allow me to see a week at a time. I used to use an app called Calendar Pad, but I don't see it in the app store. Can someone recommend a good one?

Also also looking for a Picasa like (free?) application for uploading photos to my Web Albums. I see several in the App Store and don't which is best.

And last.. does the camera have a zoom function.. other than my walking closer to the subject? :rolleyes: The salesgal at VZ did not know.

Thanks for your help.. and I look forward to learning lots here.