Restore Needed Error,Help!

Restore Needed Error,Help!


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Nov 29, 2010
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My jailbroken Iphone 4 suddenly pops up an alert "Restore Needed,cant receive or make calls bla bla..",how can i fix this?my iphone is running on IOS 4.1,i tried turning it off and on,but it wont work,it worked for just like a few seconds then signal bars gone and became "Searching..." and that alert pops up again "Restore Needed..." damnit,i tried the sleep button and home button thingy..,still wont work,please help
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Well I would restore it like it suggests?

I've never seen or heard of this screen before. Are you jailbroken? If not I would give apple a call...
i tried and it gave a bunch of errors,like 3194,2009,i solved both of that errors and now it gave me 1646 error,yes im jailbroken,how can i restore it?omg
I had that problem, used my other computer, it fixed it
yes i have updated it,so i got to an apple store yesterday and they tried to restored there,the loading bar was half full and another error came on 1013,i hope they wont know i jailbreaked lol,they say that they will replace a new one for me like in 3 days,they asked me if i jailbreak the device i answered "what is jailbreak? is that an app? a software?i dont know much about iphone since its my first iphone and im only using it for nearly 2 month" LOL
oh **** am i fucked?,i checked about the 1013 error and from apple support forum,even un jailbreaked device gets that error too,even apple stated about that error code on their website,i think my phone already restored but its just wont get out of recovery mode,because i tried to use slide to test if i can still use sbsetting and it works,and after i restore till half bar,nothing works anymore,sbsetting and other mods,its like a new iphone,just not out of recovery mode and keep telling me to restore it,well i hope im not fucked cuz if they know they might not replace my device?
The error might not have anything to do with the fault. Unless you restored it or apple have to restore it (or whatever they do that restores it) it's not difficult to find out if a phone is jailbroken. Just look for the cydia app. Lol. Apple probably have better ways to fond out if a device is jailbroken but as long as you restore it befor handing it back I don't think they can tell. I've handed about 10 phones back over the past 3-4 years, all of which have been jailbroken, but restored before so. I've never had any problems...
thanks,anyway its all good,looks like they didnt know i jailbreaked lol,they told me to come and pick up my new replacement iphone this monday

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