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Random icons?


New Member
Nov 26, 2011
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I have these random icons that showed up after I tried putting a winter board theme on. Everytime I try to delete them my springboard crashes. Any clue as to why they showed up and how to remove? There's a couple pages on my springboard.


  • $image-3115600310.jpg
    58.9 KB · Views: 417
Nope. I got it fixed. I uninstalled cydelete and the themes then reinstalled one of the themes and they're gone
Weird little glitches that sometimes only be resolved through trial and error. Glad you got it straightened out!!
Cydelete hasn't been updated for iOS 6 support as of yet.
Never mind they still come up when I try to put a new theme on.
Did you ever download (and activate in Winterboard) the theme "exxOS"? Cause it comes with a set of springjumps - which is what your icons look like they are.

If you don't have the Springjumps tweak installed, these wont work. But, you can delete them with iFile (or by SSHing in ... or using iFunbox/iExplorer). If those are Springjumps icons from the exxOS theme, you'll find them at this location:


All you'll have to do is delete the folders that start with "_shortcut_". Once you delete those folders, respring and then, those icons should be gone.

Awesome! Thanks man that worked! :D