quick itunes/iphone5 question

quick itunes/iphone5 question


New Member
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Aug 22, 2013
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Hi guys im fairly new here I WILL be getting either a iphone 5 or 5s (when released) as my current contract is within its last 2 months and I was hoping you well clued up people can help me with this little issue i have had forced upon me.

Right hear goes, im aware the new iphones no longer need connecting to a pc for first setup which kind of works in my favour as some scumbag has stolen my laptop/pc and I do bot have the funds to replace it right now however my mother has a iphone 5 so could I possibly every once in a while link my iphone up to her copy of itunes to keep my phone updated and make backups/restore points for possible jailbreaks without syncing her stuff I.e. pictures, messages, music, onto my phone and my stuff onto her copy of itunes? Is this possible? As i dont want to be forced into buying another android device if I can manage temporarily like this for a few months while I sort out a new laptop/pc.

Thanks for any help offered.
Yup. Just make sure you have separate AppleID's or you make separate libraries if you're sharing the same AppleID. As long as the computer recognizes your device as a different user profile than your mother's, then there shouldn't be a problem with syncing data to and from.
Yesh they will deffo have separate apple id's as I dont live with her anymore but i do see her regular so it'll be handy to keep it updated.
Yes there are several options for wireless hard drives the apple time capsule will also work great though you may need to format it if you want to it to work on different OS.