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PRL update


Oct 17, 2011
Reaction score
Grand Forks, North Dakota
I did a search but couldn't find anything on this subject. On my previous phones i used to do the PRL update by pressing *228 send then option 2 and wait for the update to finish. Now that i have the Iphone 4s do i still have to do the PRL update? I am just courious if this is something i still have to do or if it does it automaticly.
I doubt VZW will ever make this an automatic process. And yes, I still did a PRL update every 30 days with my iPhone 4, like I have for the last decade with every other VZW phone I had. Now whether this is actually needed with iPhone 4S, I have no idea. But I just tried it with my 4S for the first time and it informed me that my roaming data has been updated and I got a alert box that says "Service Update Complete". So I will continue the trend at the first of the month until VZW tells me otherwise.
I did a *228 last week and it changed "something" on my phone. I don't know what the PRL was, but the Verizon branding on my phone disappeared. They've been doing cell tower work in my area of NC, so I figured it had something to do with that.

In my investigations I found out how to see the PRL on my phone. Doing another *228 did not change it. I wend to a Verizon store and the rep there did a "reactivation" which she said I could do choosing Option 1 with *228. After she did the reactivation, I had a new PRL and the Verizon brand came back on my phone.

So, I am not sure whether to choose Option 1 or 2 from now on, since Option 2 did not change anything for me. Maybe now that the cell tower work is finished, Option 2 will work?
Option 1 is the full provision feature. It does a full MEID check and certification. And yes, if you lost the provider identifier, then this would be the only way to get it back.

Option 2 is just the PRL subset of option 1. It only updates one file and you would not see any difference. It would simply adjust tower usage behind the scenes.
Thanks guys, I did a *228 send update too just now, and also said update complete after it was all done. So i'll do this once a month too or when ever i remember.
After having an HTC Thunderbolt 4G, going back to *228'ing is kinda fun. :) Yes, after 3 years of Android (rooting and everything), this is my first iPhone (just got a 4s today).
BigMcGuire said:
After having an HTC Thunderbolt 4G, going back to *228'ing is kinda fun. :) Yes, after 3 years of Android (rooting and everything), this is my first iPhone (just got a 4s today).

Congrats on your 1st iPhone, this is my 1st too. I also switched from android, I'll never go back again. :)

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