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Pay for an iOS 5 Jailbreak & unlock?

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Mar 14, 2012
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In my daily searches for an untethered JB for iP4, iOS5.1, I came across a plausible looking account of someone's good experience of a TETHERED JB. It mentioned that the site where it is sold has a secure SST server and accepts credit cards. It also said they were fast with expert replies to technical questions. The writer disclosed that he had a financial interest in "some" of the outfits he recommended (a total of three) so it could all be self-serving bait... Jailbait, maybe (grim smile). What's the expert opinion?

never pay for a jailbreak,thats the short answer.
You don't have to search for a 5.1 jailbreak, when one is available the trusted developers will announce it, until then there's no point in searching because all you will find are lies and scams.
Jmills87 said:
You don't have to search for a 5.1 jailbreak, when one is available the trusted developers will announce it, until then there's no point in searching because all you will find are lies and scams.

The message is strong and clear, and I really do get it. I will NOT pay for a jailbreak! Thanks to Poison Ivy et al for the feedback.

The only question is who are the trusted developers?
Poison Ivy is right on....Glad I was lazy and stayed with 5.0.1. Absinthe is awesome.
The message is strong and clear, and I really do get it. I will NOT pay for a jailbreak! Thanks to Poison Ivy et al for the feedback.

The only question is who are the trusted developers?
We will post links for you from trusted developers. Keep watching this section.
never pay for a jailbreak
i believe i already said that.
Yes Ivy you did... and since Jmills has posted who to watch via Twitter. This thread is CLOSED!
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