On the market for a new iPhone

On the market for a new iPhone


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Feb 4, 2016
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Michigan, USA
I am considering getting an iPhone. I currently have LG G2 that is at times sluggishly slow and now also stopped turning on Bluetooth connection. I wanted to get an iPhone 6s Plus but looking at the price I found it a bit prohibitive. AT&T is my carrier.

How can I make a better decision about getting
  • iPhone 5s (price is okay)
  • iPhone 6/s/Plus (price is $650 - $850)
  • wait for iPhone 7 not necessarily to buy it but because iPhone 5/s/6/s/Plus pricing will go down
iPhone 6s Plus is most desirable but is there any merit in getting iPhone 6s Plus now opposed to the options above? i.e. will I miss features and functionalities terribly by going with another option?
There's the possibility that the iPhone 5s will be discontinued when the iPhone 7 is released. If you need the 128gb storage capacity, it's normally discontinued when the new iPhone comes out. There is a monthly payment plan where you can spread the cost of the iPhone over 2 years. That would make it easier to afford.
Hi, thanks. I didn't quite understand about 128 gigabytes of storage. Why would that particular storage size be discontinued, and from which phone?

I myself will probably need 64 gigabytes, at the most. I don't see myself using more than 16 gigabytes through my typical usage, and if I run out, I might just have to download pictures off my phone more often if I do.

But, as things stand now, is there any benefit for waiting for iPhone 7, or will iPhone 6 be just as good? Got to note too that if I wait for iPhone 7, iPhone 6 will be less expensive and more affordable as well.
All iPhones from the iPhone 6 and newer came with a 128gb storage option, as well as 16 and 64gb. When the iPhone 6s and 6s plus were released, the 128gb option for the iPhone 6 and 6 plus was discontinued. The iPhone 6 will be less expensive but it will be a two year old design by the time the iPhone 7 is released. There will also be features of the iPhone 7 that will not be available to the iPhone 6. All you can do is make your decision based on what's most important to you. Do you want the latest iPhone or the cheapest iPhone?
Thanks. Latest or Cheapest are two ends of the spectrum but I find myself more in the gray area.

For example, I am considering that:
  • If I wait (till iPhone 7 Release), when can I expect for iPhone 6/s/Plus prices to drop? and by how much?
  • If I plan to get an iPhone 6s Plus eventually, is waiting for price drop a good strategy or will I be wasting good months of non-iPhone-usage for a mere ~$100-150 drop?
Checking new iPhone 6 Plus prices compared to the same for the new iPhone 6s Plus. It looks like, non-subsidized it would be about $200 less. But the newest model is halfway through its initial year already, the older does not have 3D Touch which will be increasingly important and the price of the older model may not fall as much initially. Sales of the next iPhone will help determine that. If sales are not as brisk as they were for the 6 s plus, the prices of older iPhones will not drop as much. And it takes time for the prices of the older phones to drop. So to answer your question, no one knows but you could be waiting until next year at this time to buy a 6s plus at the savings you want. I believe, in economics, this is called an opportunity cost. Do you want to wait 12 more months to save $200?
Does anyone knows when will the 7 come out?

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Probably around mid-September, shortly after it's officially announced by Apple.
Wow, almost a year from now. Don't know if I can wait that long since my 5s is acting up somewhat already, but thanks.

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Definitely do a ton of research if you plan on waiting or even trying to debate. Think of the main specs you are looking for in an iPhone. For example iPhone 6/6plus camera is 8mp. IPhone 6s/6splus is 12mp. Rumor has it that the iPhone 7 will 13mp. So only it only went up by 1mp not much. Watch some YouTube videos to compare the models that way you can decide witch one suits you.
I don't think I can wait another 7-month. So it will probably be the 6 s+ 128 GB.

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