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Notification Center Settings - Which ones chew power?


New Member
Jul 20, 2011
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I have an iPhone 4 (not the newest one with the talking person) and the latest iOS. I'm not sure what settings in the new Notification center eat power. e.g.,

- app is not in notification center, but some of its things are on (e.g., badges)
- app is in notification center, but only some of its things are on (e.g., bades)
- app is in notification center, and all of the things are on (banners, sounds, etc.)

Do any of these make any measurable difference?

maybe somebody else ca help... i have all my settings to everything on.

but its a known fact that vibration takes more battery than sound.
I too have vibration off, and all of the "standard fixes" off (e.g., pull mail rather than push). I was just curious about the Notification center and what difference it made.
I don't even use notification center at all, so I have everything turned off there. I find that I never look at it. In fact I didn't even know it was there for quite a while! I can't speak to how much battery it uses, but it is one of the things that I have turned off to help save battery life. I do still have alerts and badges on however.