Newly Developed iPhone-Based Lab Detects Cancer With 99% Accuracy

Newly Developed iPhone-Based Lab Detects Cancer With 99% Accuracy


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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9to5 Mac reports today on a new iPhone-connected portable laboratory that can detect cancer with 99% accuracy.

Developed by a Washington State University team led by Assistant Professor Lei Li, the portable laboratory is said to be able to detect cancer almost instantly, and can analyse up to eight different samples at a time, helping go greatly improve its accuracy.

Li says that the lab can detect human interleukin-6, which is a biomarker for lung, prostate, liver, breast, and epithelial cancers. The professor adds that because the lab is so portable, it can be used all around the world, and in particular in remote areas without such facilities.

So far Li has only used an iPhone 5 with the portable lab, but he and his team are currently working on adjustable version of the device that can be used in conjunction with any smartphone.

You can read much more about the team’s research here: A multichannel smartphone optical biosensor for high-throughput point-of-care diagnostics

Source: Research team develops portable iPhone-powered lab that can detect cancer with 99% accuracy

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