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NEW Type of Weather App - Changes the face of weather forecasting (FINALLY!)


New Member
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
The RainAware app just came out and it unlike any other weather app (or forecast for that matter).

If it's going to rain (or snow) in the next 3 hours, it estimates what time it will occur...down to within a few minutes. It updates constantly and recalculates 5 minute rain probabilities based on your GPS location.

Old style Forecast: "There is a 30% chance of rain today".
RainAware: "It's going to rain from 4:32 to 5:45, beginning in 29 minutes".

By the time precipitation arrives at your location, it typically starts falling within 3-5 minutes. Same for when it's ending.

It has trouble near mountains because of radar beam blockage, but elsewhere, it does really well!

It even knows the different between light rain vs. a heavy storm, and background images will change depending.

A bit more than some weather apps at $6.99, but less than others. For the price of a value meal, you can stop being surprised by the rain. Sounds like a fair trade to me!

Lots more info at:

Weather That Works! | RainAware