New iPhone user/ clock, alarm

New iPhone user/ clock, alarm


New Member
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Jan 4, 2011
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Hi...Thank you for reading my post!

For the past 4 years I have been a Blackberry user, but today I purchased an iPhone 4!! So excited to learn about it!

With my BB, when I charged it at night, the clock lit up, so I was able to use it as a clock and alarm. Can I program the iPhone 4 to also light up at night??

Thanks so much for your response!

I am coming from the Droid and it is the one thing I will in fact miss about the Droid is the home docking station that allows the Droid to act as an alarm clock staying lit at night like your BB did.

I too would be very interested to find out if anyone knows of a way to make this happen with the iPhone4. Not necessarily a docking station, but a way for the time to atleast show up as a screen saver or something. An app perhaps?
Do a search for 'alarm clock' in the app store. There's plenty. Some free...