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Motorola Mocks Apple in Droid X Ad


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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Engadget reports today on a full page Droid X ad placed by Motorola in the New York Times in which it said the following about the new Android-powered phone:

And most importantly, it comes with a double antenna design. The kind that allows you to hold the phone any way you like and use it just about anywhere to make crystal clear calls. You have a voice. And you deserve to be heard.

Whatever do they mean?!

As Engadget points out, this follows hot on the heels of Nokia’s recent blog post showing customers the right way to hold their mobile phone and then telling them that they are free to hold their Nokia phone anyway they like.

Of course the ads are all just a bit of a laugh and you can’t blame either Nokia or Motorola for getting their digs in, but Apple really doesn't help its own case by still insisting that all mobile phones have similar reception issues.

Source: Engadget
I love the droid ads... as hard as they try apple still outsells them 10-1 with half the media exposure....every other commercial is a droid one. Also i like the new HTC Aria ad "and it fits in your pocket" LOL like they know you cant get the EVO 4G in there..;)
I had a Tilt2 running on android and I liked it but it had several bugs. AT&T's android lineup is much to be desired so I was tired of MS mobile phones and decided to try an iPhone.
I had a Tilt2 running on android and I liked it but it had several bugs. AT&T's android lineup is much to be desired so I was tired of MS mobile phones and decided to try an iPhone.

My dad has ALWAYS bought MS phones...first the Tilt and now a HTC running MS. After playing with my iPhone4 he's coming over to the dark side....apple..lol Nothing against MS but since the iPAQ era....they are falling behind.....